Sunday, November 20, 2011

Rose colored glasses

My son is sitting in the living room with his dad listening to music on Austin City Limits. This is something that they both enjoy. I've head some discussion, some laughter, some debate. I wish I could close my eyes and pretend that this is every Sunday night at our house.

Bless you all. Praying for ours tonight.


  1. It is OK to have moments of peace. Take advantage of them, it is good for you and your son.

  2. Beautiful little post. I feel the energy you are putting out, let's be patient and grateful that it will back to us all.
    Thanks for sharing your experiences.

  3. My husband was on the phone with my son the other day. They were talking about sales strategies(both work in sales). My husband was sharing idea, and my son was taking notes. There was lots of laughing. My husband kept complimenting my son for his ideas, etc.

    I could have died and gone to heaven right then and there!
