Monday, June 15, 2015


We've all been there.....this is going on at home, that is going on at work, someone is sick, someone is broke, bills to pay, a marriage in trouble, my addicted child is homeless. You know, too many balls in the air. We try to keep them from touching ground like if they do we will be tarnished, marked for life because we failed to keep the circle going.

Today I realize those aren't my balls to keep going. I saw something on Facebook...."Not my circus, not my monkeys" or something like that.

Today I realize the only ball I have to keep in the air is the one I hold in my hand....and guess what? If it falls to the ground that's okay because it bounces and magic erasers clean almost anything.

Monday, May 11, 2015

He's Still an Addict

My son is missing. He's been in jail, in treatment, in a psych goes on and on and on and on.

Somehow he has managed to father another child. I'll be a granny again in June. Of course I've connected to the mom of the baby. I'll do what I can to be part of this child's life.

This really sucks.

On the other side, which is the part I focus on these days. I'm good. My divorce was final in January. I've met a man that makes me feel valued. I still have a very close relationship with my sober son and daughter. I have access to all my grandchildren and their parents. I have money to pay the bills. Life is good!

It is what it is.......Dang it!!!!