Tuesday, April 30, 2013

I'm Fine!

That was my son's response to the email that I sent to him yesterday. I told him that I was happy to see him at the event but I wasn't happy to see him drunk. I let him know that if he isn't working his program that I don't feel comfortable with him in my home to visit his son or for any other reason. I told him that I hope he gets off this merry-go-round before he ends up in the same bad place that he has been before. I told him that I have faith and hope that he can do this, that I love him and wish him health.

He responded by saying that he is fine! That night was a one night incident and that he was headed to a meeting. He will be fine!

I just wished him well and again told him that I love him.

I thought when I picked him up on Friday for the visit that he smelled like stale booze and cigarettes but I wasn't sure. Like I have said before, words are cheap. The truth is in the work being done. Going into bars is not evidence of work being done.

But you know what, I AM headed to a meeting in about an hour. I AM working on my recovery. I AM fine! :-)

1 comment:

  1. Ugh, I hate that stale alcohol from the night before smell. It literally turns my stomach. You sound really good in some tough circumstances.
