Wednesday, April 3, 2013

His Feet Are Moving

Annette wrote that on my last post. When my son called me from the hospital he detoxed in the first 24 hours he was there and said that he tired of this life style, I told him to "show me" because I have had enough of words.

I have had very little contact with him this go around. We talk on the phone for a few minutes a couple of times a week. I go by and see him maybe once a week for a few minutes. Last Saturday was the longest period of time we have spent together since he entered treatment. We saw him once a week for family group when he was in residential.

In the past I would ask questions about his treatment plan, how he spends his day, questions that were meant to ferret out whether or not he was getting what he needs to be "fixed" when returned to the real world. I had regular contact with his counselor.

I don't even know his counselor's name this time. This time I let him tell me what he wants me to know. I don't make suggestions about where he should look for jobs or how long he should stay there. This his journey.

Yes, Annette his feet are indeed moving.

I am thankful that for today that my son has continued to choose life.


  1. :-) I'm rooting for him with hope!

  2. It sounds like HE is ready to do this Terri. After 10+ years with my sons addiction, I had all I could take - He was on his own and had to figure it all out. He is working hard on it - digging out of all the damage done.
    Tomorrow he will have 1 year of sobriety!!! Praying for you and your son - HE CAN do it!

    1. Thanks, Dawn. Prayers are always welcomed.
