Thursday, April 25, 2013

Duck Walking

My husband is helping to coordinate a poetry reading/music event the will feature Southern poets and musicians from our region. First one ever in our city. The venue is an old tavern with a lot of rich history. He was there last night working out details with the tavern owner and who should walk in but our son.

I'm not sure but I don't think hanging out in a tavern is one of the 12 steps that he says he is supposed to  practicing. He went outside to smoke for 45 mins or so and then left with the "chick" that he came in with. He spoke to his dad and gave him a hug when he left. Dad said he didn't look or act high. I said, "He was going to drink but you were there and didn't leave soon enough so that he could". Duh!

Okay, you get where I was going with the title of this blog? Walks like and duck, sounds like a duck....

We were planning to let my son come and visit with his baby at my house, overnight on Friday. I sent him a text last night and asked if he could pass a full panel drug test, to which he responded, "Of course". I told that was good because he would have to pass it for everything before he will be allowed to come to my home. I never heard back from him.

I may have played my hand too soon. He has tricks to get around a drug test that have worked in the past. I guess we will see on Friday if he even makes contact with me again.

Oy vey!!!


  1. You have so much going on. I understand about work being your calm constant place... referring to your last post.

    Hang in foot in front of the other. ((HUG))

  2. Your recent posts seem more matter of fact and sound like you are taking care of yourself first. That's great and I am very happy for you! Hey, when will we get a new photo of your adorable grandson? I love seeing him.

    1. Sheri, just the mention of my grandson makes me smile. I will have him tongiht. I bought a toddler sized fedora. I can't wait to give it to him and take his picture! :-)

    2. My two are coming over tomorrow for the weekend with my daughter. I can't wait to see them. The grandchildren are such a gift and rays of sunshine coming out of so much hell and heartache.
