Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Homeless Again

Apparently he lost his job only a week after getting it. He took what little money he had and went on a binge. He isn't allowed to go back to my parent's home. My mom called me about 30 minutes ago. She was very apologetic. Said they tried everything they could think of.

I told her that I am surprised they didn't boot him out before now and that I know exactly how she is feeling. She said my dad would be walking the floor tonight worried about him. I told her to tell him that I have done enough floor walking for all of us and that there is no need.

She said that she doesn't know what is going to happen to him. I said he will either continue to live this lifestyle, get better or die. It took me years and years to get to this point. I hurt for them. I know they thought they could help.

I hope that they will let themselves off the hook. I never had them on one.


  1. Everyone has to reach their own bottom in an addict's life it seems. I hated to see the effect on my mom when she was alive....but God was in charge of her life too and she had her own paths to travel in this convoluted journey. I am sorry it ended the way it did. Its always sad....but we do get to the point where it is what it is and we just keep on going.

    1. I tried to remind my mom of that this morning. She is beating herself up with "what if". I feel for her and I am mad at my son for doing this to her. I told my mom and dad to that I thought they were setting themselves up for disappointment when they told him he could come there. He proved me right, I am very sad to say.

  2. My God - ain't that the truth ? We just keep on going - that's for sure.

    1. Even on days when it would be easier to just hide under the covers.
