Friday, November 22, 2013

He finally got caught

It was bound to happen sooner or later. My son was arrested last night for robbery.

My daughter got a facebook message from one of my son's friends. The friend asked if she had heard what had happened to her brother. She called me to see if I knew but I hadn't heard anything at that point. My mind went to some of the worst case scenarios. He had cheated someone and gotten beaten up, he got high and mouthed off and got beaten up, he overdosed, etc. etc. etc. My husband I were making plans to go to his apartment after work to check on him.

My husband checked online for recent local arrests and there he was, mug shot and all. I think my husband does this routinely when we aren't sure what's up with our son.

He was pretending to be lost and was asking for directions through the window of a car. I guess the passenger was a female and he reached in a took her purse and took off running. Another passenger jumped out and tackled him and held him until the police got there. After running his ID they found out he had another warrant out for his arrest. I am guessing that one is for unpaid fines in another city. I could be wrong about that. There may be others I don't know anything about.

His bond is $35,000. We won't be going to a bail bondsman to get him out. I am relieved that he is there for now. I know he will have something to eat, a place to sleep, and maybe a minute to clear his head. I don't know what will happen next but it will be up to him to figure that out.

Hope you all have a peaceful weekend.


  1. Hi Terri, I'm sorry to hear this. You seem relatively calm about it, I think we get to that place after so many years. I hope for the best possible outcome. Thinking of you.

  2. Hi Terri, I know this must be so hard but the way things were going I'm just happy he is alive and can't be out there using. Right before Thanksgiving, this can't be easy for you or your husband. I will be keeping you all in my prayers, I'm so sorry about all of this, I will also be praying for the young lady you mentioned in your previous post. I've said it before but your strength always blows me away!

    1. Erin, Thank you. I don't feel strong most days. I just do what I think is the right thing based on what I know. Thank you for the prayers.

  3. Terri,

    I know how sad it is. We had holiday's with our son in protective custody.

    Where there is life there is hope. Never forget to look around and see the life around you.

    1. Ron,
      I like the term protective custody. Thank you.

      I have lots of life around me, thank you for that too. Love you and Darlene. Thank you for being here for me.


  4. Oh Terri.....maybe this almost a relief? He's off the streets, relatively safe, being fed and sleeping on a bed. Bless your heart mama. You keep marching on, no drama, but your heart is broken inside. You are so brave. ((HUG))

  5. Gosh there has been an awful lot of arrests lately....I am so sorry Terri.

  6. I'm sorry Terri --- I know your heart is hurting -- as it has been already. I'll keep your son & you in my prayers. God bless you...
