Thursday, February 23, 2012

Extended Family

Everyone has their opinion about things. Those opinions are based on their view of the world, their belief system and how much knowledge they have about a topic. I know before I was immersed into the world of addiction through my son I had certain opinions about all that myself.

That is why I don't get overly frustrated at my extended family for not understanding where I am at emotionally with my son right now. I haven't seen him in a full week. I have only spoken to him a couple of times and every time he has been demanding and rude. Needless to say, those have been very short conversations.

His son got sick this weekend and ended up in the ER twice. I told my son at 11:30 Sunday morning that they were going and what the symptoms were. He never called to find out what happened but he did call on Tuesday wanting someone to come and pick him up and bring him to our house on Wednesday. Not one time did he ask about his son! He spoke to his dad about the ride and his dad told him if he was outside his office building by 5 he could have a ride. He would have to walk to get there. We both told him that we aren't rescheduling our lives to accommodate him anymore. Needless to say he didn't walk the 7 miles to get there. He called me at 5:30 and asked if I would pick him up today. I said that he would need to call me and let me know where he was. It is almost time for me to leave and he hasn't called. I'm not sad about that.

Anyway, the grandson ended up in the hospital with pneumonia. It was so pitiful to see him hooked up to IV's and oxygen. He stayed overnight on Monday and was released on Tuesday afternoon and is now on the way to being a happy, active little 17 month old.

I know this a rambling post and I apologize to anyone that may be reading it. My point is that I am so disgusted with my son that I don't want to talk to anyone about him. I am tired of him being the topic of conversation all the time, tired of the drama, tired of it all. My mom and sisters asked if I told my son that the grandson was in the hospital. I told them that I hadn't because I don't know where he is, who he is with, or what he has been doing. The last thing anyone needed was for him to show up at the hospital high. It was stressful enough. He was supposed to be at my house visiting the baby and chose not to be. If he had been where he was supposed to be he would have known what was going on.

My mom called this morning to check on the baby and asked about my son today. I told her that I had heard from him but that I really rather not talk about him. I told her that I love my son but I really, really, don't like him at all and that I don't have the time or energy to spend worrying about him. Her response was, "Welllll".

What concerns me right now is that he will just show up at my house thinking everything is cool and that we will welcome him back and not say a thing. Every time I check my comments the first thing I see is Helga's response to my last post, "Your home is not a FLOP HOUSE!" I think I am going to take the Home Sweet Home sampler down and put one up that says MY HOME IS NOT A FLOP HOUSE! If I knew how to embroider. LOL

Anyway, sorry for a long rambling post that probably doesn't make a lot of sense but I feel better! Tonight my husband and I are going out to hear James McMurtry play...on a school night no less!

Praying for us all! Trying to keep hope in my heart.


  1. I've heard so many addicts in recovery say that their own flesh and blood child could not get them to stop doing drugs. Nothing matters to an addict in active addiction...well, nothing but the next fix.

    Try not to have any expectations and you won't find yourself constantly disappointed.

  2. I am so glad that your grandchild is doing better. Try to spend just a few moments focusing on the good things as they happen. It helps to save our sanity while so many bad things keep firing away that are out of our control. Sooo, the baby is something wonderful to be enjoyed.

    Sorry about your son going out again. As we know, nothing good comes of it.

  3. I'm so happy the baby boy is ok. 2 of my kids, both of my red heads now that I think of it, were hospitalized with pneumonia as babies....scary stuff!
    This post was not rambling and made perfect to sense to me. I think you are amazing. I do get it when you said that he hadn't call by 5 and you weren't unhappy about that. It is so sad that that is how our relationships have turned out, but I have been there so many times too.

  4. Oh Terri - I'm so sorry your son is thinking only of himself. Addiction is such a me, me, me disease.

    Thank goodness your grandson has you, and I'm so glad he is on his way to becoming healthy.

  5. I saw my grandson for a minute today. I couldn't hold him because I am not feeling well but he looks great. I get to keep him next weekend and I can't wait! Thanks for your comments. I appreciate you all.
