Monday, February 6, 2012

Enjoying Now

I really try to remind myself to enjoy the moment that I am in. At times I find myself wondering about next year, next week even tomorrow so much that I am miserable and filled with anxiety. I really have to stop and take a deep breath and then remind myself that I don't have control over what happens so I need to just let it go. I repeat those words over and over to myself and aloud until I can let whatever it is go.

I have to say that we had really great weekend with my grandson and my son. We took them both to visit my family who live 3 hours away from us. My grandson loved playing with all my nieces and nephews. He particularly took a liking to my 20 year old nephew who stands about 6'4". It was a pretty funny sight to see a 16 month old leading the 20 year old around by the finger. We teased that the grandson had a pet giant.

It was even more satisfying when my grandson showed preference for his dad over me. This tells me that there must be something trust worthy to him about his dad right now.

There were a couple of tense moments. My son wanted to meet a friend of his from rehab on the way out of town to pick up some books that he left behind when he left rehab. I told him that I would be checking the books and anything else that he got from the guy. I did and everything was fine.

I don't know when or if I'll ever get to the point that I totally trust him but he seemed to understand that I don't.

For this moment all is good!

Happy Monday everyone!


  1. It's is about releasing our dreams and accepting theirs.

  2. Right or wrong, I always feel like our addict kids should understand when we don't trust them. Its a sign of health to me when my daughter is understanding vs. defensive. Maybe the biggest sign of health will be when I don't feel the need to check anymore.

  3. Happy Monday! (a day late)

    Sounds like a nice weekend, so glad your little guy had fun with his extended family. I agree with Annette. When Keven is understanding of my distrust I know he's in a good place, when he gets mad and yells at me about it...not so much :)
