Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Does it really need to be a circle?

My son texted tonight.

Him - Can you come get me on Friday instead of Saturday?
Me - I may come Friday after work but we may not leave until Saturday morning early.
Him - I vote we come back Friday night.
Me - We'll just have to see.
Several minutes later
Him - A girl wants to see me. She drives a cadillac mom.
Me - So?

Of course there was more to that conversation but that is the jest of it.

Okay it seems to me that he wants to get back here to meet up with this woman so that he can "hook up" with her. He is not happy at my parent's home. He can't find a job. He has legal issues hanging out there. He owes my parents money. It really feels like he is just looking for an escape route. He has tried it before and it never worked out.

I told him that it is not my business but that I hope that he isn't looking for a way out of the situation he is in. He denied it.

So what is a mom to do? Pray I guess that the right thing happens.



  1. Every time I read a conversation like that I feel like we are all clones! You're right, all you can do is pray and chuckle when you read the same on someone else's blog :-)

    1. I know.!! Isn't it weird how we all live in different places, probably have varying degrees of economic and educational status but when it comes right down to it, a POA is a POA no matter what? I guess just like an addict is an addict no matter what.
