Tuesday, March 13, 2012

He seems happy, shouldn't I be happy for him?

I sent my son a message this morning to let him know that we took the grandson to the ER again last night. He was running a temp, coughing and wouldn't eat. I was afraid that he had pneumonia again or at the very least an ear infection. His mom called and asked me to take them at around 8:00 last night. It turned out to be a viral infection complete with a nice rash on his belly and back. I offered to keep him last night and today so that mom could be rested for her work day and not have to worry about what to do if he was still running a temp this morning. She doesn't get sick days where she works and she just missed two days a few weeks ago while he was in the hospital. When we got out of the ER at 11:00 I took his mom home and then brought him to my house and put him to bed.

My son just called and told me that I really need to call him when things like that happen. I told him that I don't think that it is MY responsibility to call him at all but that I did let him know what happened this morning. I mean, he is 5  hours away and he has no transportation. What could would it have done?

Anyway, he is headed to a different city with a band for the next week. He will help promote the show the band is doing and will help with the travel, set up and tear down. He has done this in our city and has really been very successful. That is why this friend of his offered to let him come and work for him. My son is in his element. He loves this stuff and he seems happy about this part of his move. Part of me is very happy for him. Part of me is very sad that I am here taking care of his sick son instead of him.

I'll just keep doing what I do because I know that it is the right thing for me to do. Today I AM thankful that my son is alive and seems happy with where he is at. I am thankful that my grandson's mom is confident enough in me to call when she needs my support. I am thankful that I have a job that allows me to take a sick day and still get paid. Most of all I am thankful that my grandson is on the mend and is taking a nap just a room away from me and that in about 15 minutes he will wake up and want to sit on my lap and watch Dora.

Today is good!


  1. That baby needs people who care and you are one of those people.

    It's time your son makes his the way he can. All you can do is wish him well and do what you need to do for yourself. If that means watching Dora, so be it.

    1. I have learned to appreciate Dora! LOL We had a good day and the little guy was feeling better by the time his mom got here. Thanks, Ron!

  2. Terri - I so admire your optimism and your ability to see the good in situations!

    1. Dee, Thanks but I'd be lying if I said it was a natural thing for me to do and that I didn't work hard to look for the good stuff most days. I do have many things to be thankful for and on the darkest days I try to remember and focus on those.
