Tuesday, April 3, 2012


I have always loved that word! It sort of explains my day today. I woke up feeling horrid, the kind of horrid that you know will get better as the day goes on if you tough it out. I decided to be a wimp and call in sick. Then I went back to bed.

Serendipity comes in later when my daughter comes to me crying about a friend of hers that has started using needles and recently stole some CDs from her that she had borrowed from another friend. This opened a dialogue that we have needed to have for several months.

I think it was worth a sick day.



  1. Yes, worth a sick day for sure.

  2. I don't want to alarm you but watch her very carefully. Beth had occasional friends that she tried desperately to persuade to stop drugs. She even cut them off competely because of the drugs. In the end she joined them and became the kind of addict that scared the other users.

    1. Thank you, Anna! I have been watching her for awhile and take every opportunity to talk with her about this. She watched her brother's decent into addiction and lived in the house with a lot of it. I know that is not an immunization against it but I hope that by keeping the communication door open we can bypass some of it.

  3. I have wondered what Alex will say to his son, Tyler when he gets to be a young teen about drug use.
