Monday, June 20, 2011

Moving Day!

My son is moving into his first apartment that he is renting all by himself. He has always either lived in our house, his in-law's, with a girl friend or with other room mates. This is his first time to live alone. I am excited for him. I am also frightened for him. He got paid today and he gave me money for his child support and money for the fine that I paid for him. This is a vast, VAST improvement. Paying his bills before spending money on other stuff is not something that has come first nature to him. For this minute I am very proud for him. He carried himself like a man for the first time in a long while. You could see pride in his eyes. There I go with the eyes again. I have always heard that the eyes are the window to the soul. I think I understand that now.

Peace to you. We all deserve it!


  1. Congrats to your son (and you, Terri) this is a big step. I believe that they eyes indeed are the windows to the soul. I can read a person by their eyes, and the look of well earned self pride always chokes me up, its a Big Deal, you should be proud too.

  2. Thanks, I am so proud for him. I saw him again today and he looked so happy! I hugged him and felt good doing it. There were a couple of bumps that he had to get over that he really handled very well.
    Barbara, I am happy for myself right now too. My eyes are happy right now too. :-)

  3. So young and so new to recovery. Very impressive that he is getting his own place. What a great step!
