Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Sparrow has Left the Nest

My 19 year old daughter has moved into an apartment with a friend 3 hours from here. This is the first time she has tried living "on her own". We agreed to help her out for 3 months, in the mean time she is to find a job and start paying her own way. Unless she decides she is ready to go back to school in which case we will be more than happy to contribute.

She has been gone a month. She has never been away that long before. I told my mom that I really am not missing her yet because she has been able to torment me from afar. LOL She is so funny. She called one night to say that they don't have Internet and she doesn't understand why. I asked if they were paying for it and I got silence. I informed her that it isn't free and that you had to pay a monthly charge for that. "Ohhhhh." was her response.

I received a text from her this week saying that all she has had to eat in a week was Ra men noodles and maybe this living away from home thing wasn't as luxurious has she thought it would be. I responded by telling her that there is really nothing luxurious about being poor.

I love my daughter to pieces and it is really kind of fun watching her learn her way around. Of course she wants it all yesterday. She is after all the baby of the family and pretty much has had everything she wanted handed to her on whatever color platter she asked for.

I think if it weren't for the things that I have learned in dealing with my son's addiction that I would have swooped down already, packed her little self up and brought her home. That super mom cape has be retired. I am willing to see her struggle in order to become self sufficient and proud of herself.

I haven't figured out yet what everyone talks about when they talk about the empty nest syndrome. I am kind of diggin not having kids at home. Just sayin'. :-)

Happy Tuesday to you all.


  1. I am kind of diggin not having kids at home. Just sayin'. :-) LOL LOL

    ME TOO!!! In fact we have one dog left so I am feeding her everything I can, getting her fat an lazy. Soon I will take her out for a run. That will be REAL empty nest, No kids, no pets. LOL

    1. Ron, I love my pooch. She is no problem but after she goes on to the happy hunting ground there will be no more pets for awhile. I haven't painted my daughter's room and turned into a mom cave and I won't let her take the good furniture with her....you know......just in case.

  2. My middle son is on a similar plan but he did not move on till he was 25 just a few months ago. He is working a lot at two jobs but nothing full time. I would love for him to go back to school but he is not interested. He is also not addicted except for those darn video games. My youngest girl is 23. She is finishing up her BA in speach therapy this December. They are all so different. It is hard to believe they were raised in the same house by the same people.
