Wednesday, September 19, 2012

No Place is Private When an Addict Lives in Your Home

I took a few days off from work...okay 7 days!!! I can't remember the last time I allowed myself that luxury just to do stuff I wanted to do.

So, I took off work and began immediately to WORK around the house. But that is different because I will be so happy to have stuff in some sort of order at least for little while.

I cleaned out the closet in my bedroom. I mean there is nothing in there at all right now. I am thinking about painting and re-doing the floor.

What does that have to do with the title of this post? In a corner of my closet I found a burned candle, when I moved some stuff off the shelves I found soot marks and finger prints and a dirty needle on the top shelf pushed to the back. I had to have a chair to get up there to clean and that how I found it.

My guess is when my son lived here with his now ex-wife he figured that my room was a place he could use an not get caught. I often wondered why he chose to use our master bath instead of the one nearer their room.

We live and learn I guess.........


  1. Ha, I guess my son didn't think of that. He hid stuff all over but we never found them in our bedroom or closet.

  2. Hi Terri, I have read several of your posts about the journey with your son's addiction. As I sat here and read them, I felt though I was reading about my own son. It has been a long journey for my husband and I, living with our addict. I wish you all the best and I will continue to read here. Thank you for sharing your story.
