Wednesday, September 19, 2012

No Place is Private When an Addict Lives in Your Home

I took a few days off from work...okay 7 days!!! I can't remember the last time I allowed myself that luxury just to do stuff I wanted to do.

So, I took off work and began immediately to WORK around the house. But that is different because I will be so happy to have stuff in some sort of order at least for little while.

I cleaned out the closet in my bedroom. I mean there is nothing in there at all right now. I am thinking about painting and re-doing the floor.

What does that have to do with the title of this post? In a corner of my closet I found a burned candle, when I moved some stuff off the shelves I found soot marks and finger prints and a dirty needle on the top shelf pushed to the back. I had to have a chair to get up there to clean and that how I found it.

My guess is when my son lived here with his now ex-wife he figured that my room was a place he could use an not get caught. I often wondered why he chose to use our master bath instead of the one nearer their room.

We live and learn I guess.........

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

It Was Bound to Happen

I knew this day would come sooner or later. My grandson's mom is pregnant with her current boyfriend's baby. She is only 21 and this baby making is a family tradition for her. I was hoping that she was seeing a different way of living and gaining self-esteem. She and I are close and I am scared for her. I am not sure she is happy about this. They are engaged now. Neither can support themselves. I wanted more for her than this.

Enough of that!!!  Just praying it all works out and that my grandson doesn't suffer. It could be the perfect thing. I don't know. I need to practice letting go and letting God take over.


Monday, September 3, 2012

Week Three

This is starting the third week with my son at my uncle's home. He is working everyday digging post  holes and carrying lumber. This is the most physically demanding job he has ever had.

I have only spoken to him a couple of times. We text a couple of times a week. He seems to be feeling good and seems to be proud that he made this choice. Of course the only other choice he had was to stay on the streets where he was.

I am happy that he is alive. This is different for me than any other time that he has tried to get straight. I have zero expectations. I have hope that he will succeed...and yes, I believe that he can do this. If he doesn't....well, he knows what the consequence will be. He will be homeless and will not have contact with us until he does get sober.

This is a pretty calm place to be right now.